based on a short novel by Nodar Dumbadze, directed by Temuri Chkheidze. Dumbadze retells a story from his childhood in Tbilisi about the young do-gooder policeman Kukaracha, and his nemesis, the gangster Murchalo.
斯洛伐克与格鲁吉亚合拍片还是比较少见的。。。其实影片很不错,可惜我找到的版本画质简直不堪入目。。。:(Almost forgotten comedy with accents lyrickymi tells the druzbe two wine regions the same name, Slovakia and Georgia, but is based on the same cliché, including th…
Uniforms, morning roll call, order, and discipline determine life at a prestigious boarding school somewhere in the Himalaya’s misty foothills. 16-year-old Jaivardhana isn’t thriving in this authoritarian environment. An opportunity for te…