搜索 Teuber

  • The turbulent relationship between Oskar and Alex ends in a big blaze, Alex has set in Oskar's apartment. So Oskar decides that everything shall be different with the next one and he makes a deal with fun-loving Masha: sleeping together but no making love. They both drift through Berlin and through their lives, sometim…
  • 65岁的席特·弗罗在纽约1993年的个人画展上,获得当地杰出的奖项。席特对一幅名为《杰米拉》的名画,情有独钟,不肯出卖。记者上前询问原因,席特没有回答,却陷入深深的回忆:1943年,俄国大草原环绕着塔拉司这个小村庄,村民们正在观看每年一度的赛马,跑在第一位的是村里最美丽的女孩——杰米拉。仅次于她的塞迪卡用当地的习俗向她求婚,杰米…