搜索 Thielen

  • 女大学生艾伦聪明、漂亮,刚刚毕业,前途一片光明,但她却选择了独自到寒冷而荒凉的北极去生活一年,在那里她遇到了狩猎者拉尔斯。当北极熊到来时,拉尔斯决定照顾艾伦的生活,艾伦教拉尔斯英语和做家务,而拉尔斯教艾伦打海豹、剥海豹皮,艾伦逐渐意识到狩猎海豹并不是残忍的犯罪行为,而是在艰苦环境中生存所必须的。当极夜到来时,整个北极笼…
  • 原版:德意志民主共和国德发电影制片厂译制版:长春电影制片厂译制分厂配音:肖南、任颐、孙忠志、黄世光、吴静、刘振忠、赵双成、王亚彪、彭勃、陈光庭故事梗概:根据国家奖金获得者作家H·辛纳尔的同名舞台剧本改编。描绘的是德国二战时期发生的国会大厦纵火案的有关故事。1933年9月21日,德国法西斯在六个月的精心策划后,在莱比锡开庭审讯。…
  • 电影
    Venezuela's economic crisis explodes into riots on the streets of Caracas, as middle-aged Roque heads for the Amazon jungle to revive the abandoned lodge he built during happier, healthier days. As the jungle closes in on him, good friends encourage bad habits and whisper promises of finding gold.
  • Venezuela's economic crisis explodes into riots on the streets of Caracas, as middle-aged Roque heads for the Amazon jungle to revive the abandoned lodge he built during happier, healthier days. As the jungle closes in on him, good friends encourage bad habits and whisper promises of finding gold.