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  • Film tribute to Lou Reed, who died in October, which looks at the extraordinarily transgressive life and career of one of rock 'n' roll's true originals.With the help of friends, fellow musicians, critics and those who have been inspired not only by his music but also by his famously contrary approach to almost everyth…
  • Saul Leiter could have been lauded as the great the pioneer of color photography, but was never driven by the lure of success. Instead he preferred to drink coffee and photograph in his own way, amassing an archive of beautiful work that is now piled high in his New York apartment. An intimate and personal film, In No …
  • 16岁女孩比莉被突如其来的消息搞懵了:一直以来和她最亲密的妈妈决定变性!在妈妈做手术、从女人变男人的这一年,她不得不搬去和爸爸住,而且只有在每周二才能和妈妈见一面。比莉倒数着52个星期的过去,与此同时她与两个男孩女孩也分别相处甚密,16岁正是探索自己性的秘密的年纪啊... ◎QAF
  • 尼克凯夫起床。他寫作、進食、看電視、寫作。這是尼克凯夫在地球上的第两萬個日子:他化身爲司機,載著乘客遊晃在布萊頓,座上賓有壞種子樂團第一任吉他手Blixa Bargeld、名曲《Jubilee Street》MV主角Rey Winstone和女神凱莉米洛;那些在他生命中曾經有所關聯,又失去聯絡的人們。他們喃喃地述說著時間的流逝、記憶、孤獨與生死。
  • In 2006 the UK Minster of Defence announced the deployment of British Troops to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, saying: 'We would be happy to leave Afghanistan without firing a single shot'. 'The Patrol' features a British Army Operational Mentor and Liaison Team supporting this NATO led operation. As the scale of the T…
  • 电影生活
    故事发生在七十年代末期的日内瓦,来自比利时的艾迪(贝诺特·波尔沃尔德 Benoît Poelvoorde 饰)因为行骗锒铛入狱,当他好不容易熬完了他的刑期时,已经年逾四十了。出狱后没多久,艾迪就遇到了他从前的朋友,朋友收留了无家可归的艾迪,但作为交换条件,艾迪必须担负起照顾他年仅7岁的小女儿萨米拉(Séli Gmach 饰)的责任,因为萨米拉的母…
  • Robert, a Canadian businessman depressed by a sense of failure of his personal and professional lives, attends an insurance convention in the US and inevitably has an affair with a woman there. He returns to his family in Montreal; his cold marriage to his wife Barbara and two sons ages 19 and 13. His family life conti…