搜索 Thu

  • Story of second generation of immigrants who try to integrate the wisdom from parents homeland and life as they face in the world where they live.
  • Jason Thunder has retired and left the safety of the world in the hands of Honest John, and former partner Felix. When word is out that Harvey Bone is still alive, Jason must return to form and fight side by side with old friends to defeat the evil that is taking over.
  • 电影
    纪录片聚焦冰上曲棍球,负责enforcer职位的运动员,如何发挥「打倒对手,保护队友」的运动哲学。 冰上曲棍球中有一些球员担任enforcer(执行者),主要负责项目就是打架,一人身兼攻击与防守两职。本纪录片是专门聚焦enforcer的冰上曲棍球员,深入了解这项运动与奥妙之处@www.lsjdyw.et
  • The 1925 silent western was based on the novel The Thundering Herd by Zane Grey
  • A young man involved in a car accident with an old woman becomes haunted by memories of a mysterious death ysgou.cc from decades ago.
  • 巴黎街头绿衣侦察兵正在查探敌情,不料城市上空风云变色,一架UFO惊现法国首都,这位天外来客不由分说化身拆迁大队,一路拆完凯旋门又直奔巴黎铁塔,市民见状皆作鸟兽乱散,昔日的繁华顷刻间化作瓦砾,地球军民殊死反抗却不能伤及对方分毫,或许人类文明难逃此劫……突然间,巨型橡皮糖从天而降,气氛变得更加怪异滑稽……
  • 电影历史
    故事开始于1412年位于法国的一个偏僻村落中,贞德(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)就出生在这里。此时正值英法战争之际,法国明显处于劣势,在战火之中,13岁的贞德开始逐渐看到神启,一个神秘的声音告诉她,她有着重振法国,帮助皇太子查理(何塞·费勒 José Ferrer 饰)登上国王宝座的能力和使命。17岁那一年,饱受战火摧残的贞德来到了皇…