- Devin's struggles between an office job he hates and a pitiful career as an actor get worse when his beautiful twenty-something girlfriend Jasmine decides to stop hoping he could ever turn into serious 'relationship material'. She seizes the opportunity to try new experiences but soon her reckless single life induces J…
- Straight-laced,type-ApersonalityJoyMileshastotakeanunscheduledroadtriptodriveherforgetful,yetopinionated,mother-in-law,Loraine,fromLouisville,KentuckytoSavannah,Georgia.Althoughinitiallyimpatientandfrustrated,JoybeginstorealizehertrueaffectionforLoraineasshetakesafront-seat-viewofhowthisstrong-willedyetfree-spiritedwom…
- 由Filmguru推出的爆笑新电影《888:疯狂公交车》,由风头正劲的搞笑演员Jazz主演,还带来了上半年大卖的喜剧《4G僧侣》演员组,更邀请了泰国白脸网红Thepphithakk,还有女星Tangmo-Pataratid,给我们上演了泰国公交车上的《速度与激情》。
- A successful businesswoman, Mackenzie, inherits her beloved aunt's inn, and chooses to restore the hotel to its original grandeur only to sell it right before Christmas. Unbeknownst to Mackenzie, she receives some unexpected help from a team of elves headed by the cheerful Clementine, who helps Mackenzie rediscover the…
- Münchener Flughafen, Morgendämmerung. Da liegt er, der Willy. Niedergestochen, ausgeblutet und dann auch noch überfahren. Franz Germinger Junior ermittelt.Ein rechtsradikaler Taxifahrer, zwei im Geheimen operierende Agenten sowie die durc…
- Andrew, a young, cocky man, misbehaves in a restaurant, something he will regret soon.