搜索 Tomislav

  • 本片堪称上世纪60-70年代前南黑浪潮电影运动中最反叛、最激进之作。相比Dusan Makavejev、Zivojin Pavlovic、Kokan Rakonjac等人的作品中对政治的间接隐喻和讽刺所不同,以Jovan Jovanovic、Zelimir Zilnik为首的一批青年导演的作品则更多是一种赤裸裸的直接对抗,相当具备火力和煽动性,其中绝大多数他们的影片在前南时代无法公映。本片导演斯…
  • 荒诞喜剧,由著名的大胡子Bata担任主演。一个海龟租下了男猪脚的房子,他的“诡异”行动让男猪脚觉得他是一个企图颠覆国家政权的间谍.....
  • In their own words and with unprecedented access, the most successful jewel thieves of all time take you into their world: the post-Milosovic Balkans, the modern diamond trade and a 21st Century crime gang. But as the thieves brazenly commit their crimes across the world - Europe, Asia and UEA - Interpol and global pol…
  • Vrtovi
    Presenting ten years of work on a new, still unfinished film.