搜索 Trahan

  • It has been almost 2 years since the small town of Santa Carla had suffered in the hands of the raging maniac, Cameron Crowe. Legend around town had it as that he may have been burnt in a fire he started. No one expected that he'd ever come back to reek havoc once again. And this time with a vengeance. They're only hop…
  • This movie reovolves around Simon Erricson, a Grand Prix driver now turned car dealer, his wife Leonora, and the director of Simon's new television ad, Mark. Basically, Mark and Leonora have met in a previous life and are destined to be together, no matter what.
  • Alex is a television station intern and ambitious to further his career when he scoops an interview with the shock-video artists Jon & Marta Henley. It seems like the break he's been hoping for until the couple entices him into their lurid world of violence, deception, and sexual game-playing. Alex's pursuit of success…
  • The story follows Gale as she has a brief affair with pool cleaner Adam, but quickly turns down his continued advances. Insulted at being rejected, Adam starts dating Gale's high school age daughter Becca, using her as an unsuspecting pawn in a twisted game of revenge.
  • 犹太女人维德里兹夫人(Arita Trahan 阿丽塔•泰汉 饰)看望其在异地求学的儿子,却意外发现儿子查理(Jeffrey Kite 杰弗瑞•凯特 饰)竟与一个年轻女子共处一室。少女贝丝(Henrietta Meire 饰)不过是查理的同学兼室友,但古板的维德里兹夫人却不这么想。晚餐期间,她不断试探两个孩子,却未找到任何蛛丝马迹。这位执著的夫人丝毫不放弃,一心…
  • 电影生活
    梅丽莎·麦卡西将主演动作喜剧《超级智能》(Super-Intelligence),麦卡西丈夫本·法尔科内执导,这是两人自《塔米的旅行》《老板》《派对主角》后第四次以演员-导演身份合作。麦卡西饰演前企业高管Carol Peters,当她被世界上第一个超级智能——一个可能掌控世界的人工智能选中作为观察目标后,她的生活发生翻天覆地的变化。Steve Mal…