- Documentary tracing the history of the pop video and the way in which this marketing tool has frequently been used to create shock, outrage and controversy, all in a bid to sell records.
- In this Flemish detective series, (mainly serious) crimes in an (inner) city precinct (hence the Dutch title) of Antwerp are investigated, usually leading to arrests, especially by cocky, socially inept inspector detective Tom Segers and his female partner; even though the young petty criminal and innocent hustler 'Rui…
- IMDB review: "This now-campy soufflé is an indispensable time capsule of the decadent 60s, and is a lot more erotic than the harder X material that it helped open the door for. José Benazeraf, before he decided to take artistic contro…
- Cæcilia Holbek Trier已年近50,1977年毕业于丹麦的设计学院,专攻摄影.也是名画家.其后在丹麦国家电影学院学习.曾在拉斯 凡 提尔的<瘟疫>,<欧洲特快列车>中饰演角色,和那些不甘于某一领域局限的艺术家一样,Cæcilia Holbek Trier自1985开始手执导筒,经过多次的纪录片和电视的制作,她拍摄了自己的第一部电影,儿童剧"N…