- In DESIGNING BLIND, Eric and co-host Hedison will be introduced to homes and their inhabitants, getting involved in the surprisingly intimate process of renovation and remodeling. They will challenge the couple to shop based solely on a sense of touch, sound and smell. It's an unusual, amusing, and revelatory journey, …
- 视剧《宫》是假设在现在的大韩民国立宪君主制的背景下开始的故事。 皇太子信因为皇帝的病患危机而接到皇太后的命令,跟选定下来的对象结婚。信很明白在皇太子的人生中根本不存在个人的选择,但是他的年龄才十九岁。 虽然皇太子信向女朋友闵孝璘求婚,但是孝璘以为开玩笑,因此灿烂的笑着为了练习参加国际芭蕾舞比赛而离开。信没有挽留住她,只看…