搜索 Trillo

  • Lionel is a custodian that longs for more. Bombarded with daily disrespect and insults from his co-workers, Lionel sets on a path of revenge and begins to brutally murder everyone in his path.
  • When Shawn Wyatt (Jonathan Andre) inheirits a 1966 Mustang from his uncle, things go crazy when he finds a crazy amount of diamonds stashed in the engine. He and his close friend Rob (Le"Dre Turner) end up on a wild ride after a local hustler spills info about the diamonds to the local hoods. Unknowing that the or…
  • Modern-day France. One night, young Mimi helplessly watches her mother try to commit suicide. As the woman slowly recovers in hospital, Aunt Solange takes the little girl to her housing project. So as not to disturb things in the apartment, Solange puts Mimi in a corner near the door. But, from the first night on, the …
  • 一个维修工冒充婚姻顾问给他的邻居们提供性咨询,这个好色之徒透过大楼里每户的钥孔暗暗窥视着邻居们的床地之欢。一个男人在通过函授课程获得学位后,利用他所学的知识帮助他的邻居们重新点燃欲火。而大家却未意识到他们最私密的时刻都成了这个能窥视整幢楼内住户的孤僻的维修工眼中的盛宴。
  • A look at the world of scrabble tournaments and some of the interesting characters that take part in them.
  • 《迪林格尔之死》可以算作是费雷里最成功的影片之一。故事叙述一个男人回到家,看到患偏头痛的妻子躺在床上睡着了。在影片和事件实际发生的时间相吻合的情况下,观众似乎看到了这个人每天的动作行为。他做饭,去花园,看电视,放映自己业余拍摄的影片,然后从一张报导迪林格尔死了的旧报纸裹着的包里取出一把手枪,仔仔细细地给枪上了油,并把它…
  • 电影剧情
  • Ricky, a top contender in Muay Thai Kickboxing trains for the title belt, all the while dealing with new relationships, money problems, and family drama.