- In 2010, An unidentifiable life form began to appear in the central region of America. This phenomenon was soon linked to a NASA probe that was reportedly crashed somewhere in the Western Hemisphere. By 2018 what appeared as an unidentifiable life form had transformed into a devastating catastrophe. Many effected regio…
- After years spent in Paris, Clotaire Sangala returns to his native country, Africa. Raised by a Chinese martial arts grandfather, convinced to have been found in a garbage can, Clotaire knows nothing of the glorious past of his parents. He will become "Black Snake", the masked and ultra-sapped superhero, libe…
- Tang est le onzieme enfant d'une famille qui vit dans un village de montagne pauvre situe a la frontiere sino-vietnamienne. Il n'aurait jamais du naitre. Son pere tue sa mere. L'orphelin est eleve par son frere aine, Tang le Premier, et allaite par une chienne, aucune femme du village ne voulant s'occuper de cet enfant…