搜索 Ulle

  • Rip is the World Wrestling Federation champion who is faithful to his fans and the network he wrestles for. Brell, the new head of the World Television Network, wants Rip to wrestle for his network. Rip refuses and goes back to his normal life. Still looking for a way to raise ratings, Brell initiates a show called &qu…
  • 电影犯罪
    Three assassins deal with life, love, addiction and trust as each tries to find the answers to a better life. Together, they prove to be the most trustworthy in this tangled web of murder, greed, friendship and betrayal.
  • 閏年就是每隔四年在二月多出一天,然而這樣卻違背了馬雅的曆法,因為如此一來,在一百二十年後,將多出整整一個月,也就是第13個月。2013年13月13日是被詛咒的世界末日,人間充斥暴力與血腥殺戮、所有人死於非命,人間煉獄即將來臨。唯有那些閏年出生的閏年之子得以逃過一劫。然而這些僥倖存活下來的人,他們要面對的是喪心病狂的活死人,要制服…
  • 同志小说家洛伦兹(Fabian Krüger 饰)长期定居柏林,直到妈妈露西(Sibylle Brunner 饰)中风入院,他才回到位于瑞士东部的阿特施泰滕小镇,和姐姐共同担起照顾母亲的责任。露西对洛伦兹的性取向难得开明,只是儿子的感情依然让她挂心。小镇上意外住着一位洛伦兹的年轻书迷,他与洛伦兹发展出忽冷忽热的感情纠葛。随着露西病情加重,搬进老人…
  • Deutschland sucht den Superstar is a German reality talent show, also commonly known by its initials DSDS. Part of the Idol franchise, it was created by English media mogul Simon Fuller as a spin-off from the British show Pop Idol, of which two series were broadcast between the years of 2001 and 2003. Debuting to medio…
  • Eddie Durkan, the self-proclaimed leader of the 'Bucks is dreading spending another summer bored out of his skull. Ireland has qualified for the Euros in Poland, but with no money and apathetic mates, the task falls to Eddie to get them out of Castletown and onto the road in search of football and the craic
  • 电影生活
  • 巴西金牌编剧鲁伊兹·波洛内西(《大惊小怪》)出手不凡,第一次执导长片就带来了这部大气磅礴的科幻史诗动画大作。影片以横贯五百年、四个时期的巴西为背景,在历史与未来之间,主人公经历生死轮回。与动画大师宫崎骏一样,导演坚持使用手绘创作,为动画风格与人物造型带来一丝执着与复古的色彩,而上海国际电影节的老朋友赛尔顿·梅罗(《小丑…