搜索 V.S.

  • Raju and Mahalaxmi meet at a marriage ceremony and both are attracted to each other. They soon fall deeply in love with each other, and decide to inform their respective parents of their plan to get married. Raju's family welcomes Mahalaxmi, and approve of her. Just shortly after their approval, Mahalaxmi's parents int…
  • Maharaja Purshotam Singh rules over his kingdom justly and fairly. He lives in his palace with his wife, Ahilya, an adult son, and a new-born son, Ajay. His biggest concern is the evil Maharudra, who has taken it upon himself to conquer the region and rule over it mercilessly. Purshotam's armies are no match for Maharu…
  • 叻女的生活是梦游、求爱、超凡入性的欲念、每朝睡过了头的呆相、百无聊赖、Grunge音乐;教人发噱之余,她们又处处识得自爱与自嘲。可爱可人的玛斯正急切渴求女伴,求助身旁的朋友逐一打听,找到个活地·亚伦版的女同志:她害羞、神经兮兮又吞吞吐吐──原来她有个多年的远方情人——惟是扰攘一番,两人终又走在一起。叻女钓鱼绝对没有眼泪、没有…
  • 热爱电影的雪莉爱做白日梦。这阵子,她满脑子都是「西瓜女」─早期美国电影里一名不见经传的黑人女演员。她在一家租售录影带的小店工作,进进出出的都是同道中人─女同志。某天,一名风情万种的白人女子闯进了她的生命,从此,平淡的生活变成了惊险刺激的游乐场过山车。Cheryl Dunye曾拍过多部录像作品,探讨黑人女同志生活里种族、性别与阶级醒…
  • 一个在美国加州生化实验室工作的科学家Govind因发现他们所制造出来的病毒武器可能会给人类带来灾难性的危害,于是决定要将它毁灭。但他的老板却有意将此武器出售给恐怖组织,另一位美国前中央情报局的探员Fletcher为了个人私欲也想拥有此武器,于是嫁祸Govind为恐怖份子,一段跨国大追捕的行动因此而展开。全片制作精良,动作场景火爆,并名列史…