搜索 Vacek

  • 这部独幕歌剧是伯恩斯坦早年的作品,写于1952年。那时伯恩斯坦风头正劲,作为指挥已誉满全球,作为作曲家也在流行乐界和古典乐界都取得不小的成就,虽然还未作出像《西区故事》这样经久不衰的音乐剧。 伯恩斯坦称《塔希提的烦扰》是一部“轻量级作品”,由流行曲调激发的灵感。作品一开始就是一首爵士三重唱,一听就是四五十年代的美国电台小调…
  • About a young boy's passion for horses, his paralysis from polio, and subsequent triumph over his handicap by learning to ride. Village life of the period (just before World War I) is well evoked, and the boy's relationship to his wastrel father, anxious mother, and the somewhat scornful village kids is treated with so…
  • The setting for this adaptation ofAnton Chekhov’s short story “WardNumber Six” is a rural hospital, wherevarious bizarre beings come together.This allegory about totalitarianismalso remained uncompleted. The fa-mous Czech artist Ester Kru…