- In Libya, two siblings put their heart and soul into the future of their country during the 2011 revolution, but each on a different side: he supported Gaddafi, she was one of the “rebels”. Now belonging to the ruling class, she is again standing up for the oppressed and seeking rehabilitation for people like her broth…
- Il documentario nasce con la Mostra al Museo Mart di Rovereto per il novantesimo anniversario della morte dell’artista (Ferrara 1842 - Parigi 1931). Il film racconta la mostra di Boldini e il periodo d’oro dell a “Ville Lumière“ e della Be…
- 纪录片《莫奈的睡莲:水波与光影的魔力》从印象派大师克劳德·莫奈艺术生涯的起点,法国北部的海港城市勒阿弗尔出发,沿着塞纳河逆流而上,寻访他居住的地方,创作的痕迹。在吉维尼小镇与世隔绝的花园里,莫奈从丧妻的悲痛和挫败的抑郁中恢复过来,“池里的精灵浮现在我眼前,我举起了调色板”,睡莲成了莫奈晚年生涯绘画的主题,一画就是30年。…
- 私人收藏家——海伦库勒慕勒(Helene Kröller-Müller)在20世纪初购买了近300幅梵谷的作品。她是梵谷的伯乐,也是让世人至今能有机会欣赏这些作品的重要人物,她与丈夫创立的库勒慕勒美术馆,是目前世界第二大的梵谷作品展出地,也是本片的源起。