搜索 Vinter

  • Vers le milieu du siecle a l'epoque ou se deroule cette historire . une decouverte vint bouleverser le monde des arts.Au lieu d'utiliser de l'eau , un peintre flamand avait mis au point une serie de liquides ,qui , melanges aux couleurs , leurs laissait toute leur transparence et sechait rapidement en preservant leur b…
  • Kurdish refugee, Renas, is living in the very north of Norway. In a remote desolate house. In the middle of snowy nowhere. But soon his special princess, Fermesk, will be joining him. Though the couple has never met, they have already fallen in love from looking at each other's photographs and talking on the phone. The…
  • Description: John-John is young and black, growing up with his mother and stepfather in a boring suburb south of Stockholm. On one of the last days of the summer vacation, they rescue 10-year old Patricia from drowning at a public bath in Vinterviken. Her father shows his gratitude by taking them home to the wealthy ne…
  • Innanvinternkommer
  • 电视剧剧情
    丹麦小镇有大事要发生了!知名声乐家卡尔即将回乡作巡回演唱,全镇居民开始沸沸扬扬准备迎接他。 从小以为爸爸被火车撞死的萨巴斯提安,不久后要和镇上的第一美女克劳迪亚结婚了。没想到,转性成为女同性恋的妈妈突然告诉他说,原来他的生父就是即将归乡的大声乐家卡尔,这个消息让在旅馆工作的萨巴斯提安震惊不已。素未谋面的父子俩却在旅馆内…