- A man’s voice from offscreen. He lists individual words, has problems of articulation. At first these are abstract terms, the screen stays black. Sky, street, village and house, however, are accompanied by suitable images. They take us int…
- "Romeo's Distress" is a Weird, Shakespearean, Gothic, Horror-Thriller that tells a story of a boy name James, his unrequited love for a girl named Jane, and her father's sadistic (yet dutiful) response to it all.
- 继成功的POE三部曲(POE 1 Eireie诗歌,POE 2邪恶计划,POE 3件Eldritch)之后,三位最原始的国际独立导演带来了Edgar Allan Poe的故事。虽然在之前的POE三部曲电影中,焦点是臭名昭着的波士顿作家的诗意和可怕的维度,但这第四章的重点是黑色CAT故事的血腥,暴力和令人不安的复述。
- 结束了军事独裁,迈向民主化的缅甸。2012年8月,实行了近半个世纪的报刊事先审查制度,终告废除,更提高了人们对缓和言论限制的期待。借此东风,周报“VOICE”开始对因铜矿开发造成环境污染,而向开发企业发起抗议活动的当地居民进行采访。采访开始后,便遭遇警察强制驱散示威民众,致多人受伤的事件。该报发表文章,揭露当局的强硬态度。但编辑…
- Internationally acclaimed ventriloquist Nina Conti, takes the bereaved puppets of her mentor and erstwhile lover Ken Campbell on a pilgrimage to 'Venthaven' the resting place for puppets of dead ventriloquists. She gets to know her latex and wooden travelling partners along the way, and with them deconstructs herself a…