搜索 Voice

  • Ntiza Ijwi
    Akili, a young refugee in Rwanda who has endured a long and painful journey, sits with strangers and invites them to read her story. Akili has lived a difficult life, leaving the Congo for Burundi as a refugee, and then having to flee to Rwanda. Her family was displaced and separated, she has held in prison, tortured, …
  • 英俊潇洒的宋丹萍(金山 饰)是一名话剧演员,他与地主的女儿李晓霞(胡萍 饰)真心相爱,却遭到晓霞的父亲和恶霸汤俊(顾梦鹤 饰)的联合阻拦,宋更遭镪水泼面的虐待。在此之后,他假托死亡,白天躲在剧院阁楼,夜晚则引吭高歌,凄厉的歌声满载着对爱人的思念及对现实的控诉,久久盘桓在剧院上空,成为漫漫长夜挥之不去的鬼魅梦魇。春去秋来,…
  • 电影
    《电影票购买软件哪个好》Daniel Pentecostes, 17, gets dressed in front of the mirror. From the table, the DVDs of himself preaching stare at him. Daniel is preparing for his tenth and last preaching at Gideõezinhos: next year he will be too old. W…
  • VOICE110紧急指令室番外
    VOICE 110紧急指令室番外篇 call back
  • 电影
  • 电影生活
  • 电影