- 《看见你的声音》第九季将于2022年1月29日晚10时40分(韩国时间)首播。同时,新回归的《看见你的声音》将以更加华丽的舞台和压倒性的规模,以不可预测的反转呈现历代级趣味。 随着每一季的发展,越来越强大的神秘歌手和歌手、演员、综艺人、体育明星等活跃在各个领域的明星组成的超级明星们也是让人期待《看见你的声音9》的要素之一。 另外,…
- 本作はミステリー作家・佐藤青南の小説をドラマ化した心理サスペンス。取調室だけを舞台に、栗山演じる刑事・楯岡絵麻が被疑者の習慣やしぐさ、行動パターンから嘘を見破り事件を解決するさまが描かれる。今回の特別編では、どんな被疑者でも自供に追い込んできた絵麻の前に最大の敵が登場。シーズン2では、アイドルファンによる殺害予告事件や…
- 本剧讲的是 人类大脑中的“新皮质”会在人撒谎一刹那之前反射到“大脑边缘系”并会出现躯体化症状。这种“大脑新皮质”会在人类撒谎0.2秒内瞬间呈现出来,有一位女警察,可以通过读取人类固有的“微表現“来识破嫌疑犯的谎言。这位女警察的名字叫做楯岡绘麻(栗山千明)。没有谎言可以瞒得过她。被她锁定目标的罪案嫌疑犯,到最后都会100%自首…
- Visual artist Klaudia Kemper tries to reconnect with her ageing, aphasic father, a psychoanalyst who remained in Brazil after she left for Chile when she was young. During her youth, Klaudia became distanced from her father, who never visited her in Chile. However, for 21 years he wrote letters to her, until this was …
- The origins of the Justice League are explained as Detective John Jones and Batman try to discover what the 'Centre' is, Superman and Wonder Woman are soldiers for the United States Army, Flash is trying to live in a world were special agent King Faraday is hunting him and Hal Jordan has been selected to go with Task F…