搜索 Wanamaker

  • An uncompromising and controversial short set in the Scandinavian suburbia on the hottest day of the summer. A sister reluctantly babysits her little brother. Two young boys catch her attention, and she makes a crucial decision.
  • "Hart to Hart"第一季第四集When Jonathan buys Jennifer a gorgeous old car for her birthday, she is less than thrilled -- but two Brits seem suspiciously eager to take it off her hands.
  • 'Johnny and the Bomb' is the perfect example of the BBC actually using our licence fee money to produce excellent entertainment instead of squandering it on dreary soaps and repetitive music competitions.This television teen drama, based on Terry Pratchett's novel, centres the whirl-wind adventure thirteen-year-old Joh…
  • 波罗侦探系列11季第3集与另外两名女孩一同住在公寓里的诺玛突然前来找名侦探波罗求救,说自己与谋杀案有关,但在看到他时,打了退堂鼓。很快,波罗获悉同栋大楼里的住户Seagram自杀了,她曾经是诺玛的保姆。她究竟是自杀还是他杀?跟诺玛有关吗?诺玛究竟知道些什么?
  • 時值十九世紀末,位於倫敦黑石南區的艾柏特宅邸與距離一哩之遙的維多利亞別莊,住著有親屬關係的兩戶人家。他們就和當時的一般家族一樣:關係和樂,往來密切。然而,這個大家族在短短幾個月內竟死了三個人。十七歲的保羅無法接受父親驟然辭世,更不相信他的死因是單純的食物中毒,繼外祖母也因同樣原因而暴斃之後,保羅決心追查事件的真相,卻不…
  • 我的一家人第十一季
  • 我的一家人第九季
    In series nine, chaos, paranoia and misunderstanding – yes, it's life as usual in the Harper household. Ben stands up to – and gets put down by – his own school bully and gets a little jealous as a rich business man falls for Susan – or i…
  • 我的一家人第八季
    In the eighth series, love is in the air in the Harper house. Ben is in love – with an extremely large television; Janey is in love with a new man; and Michael's current love has announced that she is pregnant. Meanwhile, Ben and Susan's c…
  • 手作精品皇家认证
    又名《手作精品:皇家订单》。BBC4推出,将镜头对准四个深受英国皇室喜爱的经典手工品牌。他们分别是皇室御用瓷器Wedgwood, 百年皮鞋品牌John Lobb, 唯一一个获得三个英国皇室共同认证的珠宝品牌Benney以及世界最顶级的钢琴品牌施坦威钢琴(最后有郎朗的客串~)。BBC将走进这些品牌的工作室,展现手工匠人的精湛技艺。