搜索 Weldon

  • After being diagnosed with a terminal cancer, Dennis moves with his girlfriend Lily to a new home, where he installs cameras and microphones everywhere to record his last months of life, in order that the material be used later to make a documentary. However, the devices capture the presence of another inhabitant there…
  • A sexy romantic drama in which, at the outset, the characters are leading their own lives in very different worlds, though each is beset by niggling discontentment. Michelle (Renée Weldon - IFTA Best Actress) is a fast-rising young Dublin lawyer with a smart apartment overlooking the Liffey, but dissatisfied in her rel…
  • A paranoid schizophrenic woman finds treatment to her mental illness after 18 years of suffering.
  • 这部令人心情愉悦的动画短片,是基于韦德·海姆斯沃斯(Wade Hemsworth)的经典歌曲《圆舞曲》进行改编的。它成为加拿大国家电影局(NFB)收藏中最受观众喜爱的影片之一。凯特(Kate)和安娜·麦加里格尔(Anna McGarrigle)共同演绎了这个关于一位年轻女孩的故事,她对舞蹈满怀热爱,并毅然选择嫁给一位伐木工人,而不是更有财富的追求者。
  • 电影恐怖
  • 现代寓言剪贴画定格动画。 又矮又丑的佐治,过着边缘而自卑的生活,他渴望风光的生活。一天竟因为长出了第二个希腊伟人般的肉瘤头而突然改变了人生女人,名气,金钱,权利,似乎都扑面而来。但佐治只是被当作傀儡一般的摆设。好景不长,佐治掺和了政治被砍头 ,当然,这个虚假的头保住了他的性命。大难不死的佐治如梦初醒......George is …
  • Thomas P. Manning, businessman and chess expert, mysteriously shot in a locked room, dies clutching some chess pieces. Police are baffled, and finally abandon the case. Six months later, victim's daughter Leah Manning, stung by a scurrilous book about the case, enlists the aid of Charlie Chan and Number 3 Son. Addition…