搜索 Wickenden

  • London, 1962. Two strangers strike up a conversation on a park bench about life, love, sex and the hostile world they find themselves in as gay men. The topics might be commonplace, but the language isn't, because the two men are speaking in Polari - a mostly extinct form of gay slang used in Britain in the first half …
  • 《除暴安良》据上世纪70年代同名英国热播电视剧改编,讲述两名警官杰克和乔治合作打击犯罪的故事。影片大量运用特技效果,营造出一轮又一轮的枪战和飙车戏,视觉冲击力极为震撼。影片的两位核心主角分别由雷·温斯顿和本·德鲁饰演。雷·温斯顿是英国著名的老牌演技派影星,《贝奥武夫》和《雷普利的游戏》等片都是其代表作。本·德鲁这名字虽听…