搜索 Willinger

  • 呼叫西萨狗教官亚洲篇
    Cesar Millan is on the road, rehabilitating dogs and spreading his message of pack leadership to the citizens of Singapore and Hong Kong. Each week, Cesar travels to a community that is in desperate need of his help. He is summoned by neighbors, co-workers, relatives and friends who “blow the whistle” on a four-legged …
  • 呼叫西萨狗教官
    Cesar knows that the best way to make changes within a neighborhood is to make an agreement. From dog park, to sidewalks, wherever dogs and their owners congregate, there is inevitable drama. Cesar's mission is to make the world a more peaceful place for pet owners- one neighborhood at a time.
  • 早晨八点开始轮班,晚上十二点工作结束,在此期间要端啤酒、清理呕吐物、送上烤猪肉、忍受一群人的怪声歌手和无止境的帐篷管乐,甚至被醉醺醺的访客骚扰——整整十六天!尽管这听起来并不诱人,但有些人每年仍会特意来到这里,成为慕尼黑啤酒节的服务员。然而,究竟是怎样的报酬才让他们愿意扛下这份活儿?他们又要为这一世界最大型的民间节日做…