搜索 Winslet

  • All Jake has to do is believe to have a better future. At least, according to Chas, his old friend. Oh, and learn to surf before the Chinese satellite comes down.
  • When a small Utah-based edited movie company is caught sanitizing Hollywood's copyrighted material, the film industry strikes back with a devastating blow.Mormons are advised not to watch R-rated movies because the language, sex and violence will contaminate and pervert your brain. The modern day prophets say the best …
  • 男丁被徵召入伍,戰火與疾病延燒各地,許多孩子被白喉症奪去性命,擾亂寧靜歐洲小鎮,人心動盪不安。擁有超自然能力的九歲男孩莫里斯,因為能夠與死去的靈魂對話,而被這些嬰靈如影隨形的糾纏;加上母親瑪麗遲遲無法走出失去另外一個稚子傑克的悲慟,終日囚禁、虐待莫里斯,甚至強逼他與靈界對話,期望能喚回傑克,與此同時,小鎮上接連發生一樁…
  • 威吉尔终于买到自己梦寐已久的小汽车,没想到却因此厄运连连,在他的车厢里面发现了一具尸体,威吉尔成为谋杀案的嫌犯,为了洗清罪名,他不得不开始逃亡……英国1999年独立电影。年轻导演在极度缺乏经费的条件下将以什么样的手段和技术来展示一部头脑中的惊险片呢?男主角汉斯·马西森曾出演过悲惨世界.