- Curly Oxide was the stage name of the young Hasidic Jew who wandered into a Brooklyn bar where Vic Thrill and The Rev. Vince Anderson played their barbaric folk and gospel music. Thrill struck up a conversation and a mutual interest in music led Thrill to invite his new friend to visit his nearby gas station home/recor…
- On a film reel electrified by static charges, we meet five people who survived the impact of lightning. Lightning is a combination of thunder and intense electromagnetic radiation, made visible to the human eye. As unpredictable as it is sudden, this natural phenomenon leaves its mark on those who experience it. The Vi…
- 芒果TV自制的首档聚焦法医行业的职场纪实真人秀——《初入职场的我们》法医季拟于2022年上线,相比第一季职场顶牛带领职场新人入行,实现从“职场菜鸟”到“企业接班人”的晋升模式,第二季初心不改:法医界双面顶牛首次上场,一面冷静侦破奇案,一面化身有“社牛”的讲故事大王,全面揭开“最神秘”又“接地气”的法医职场。第二季格局打开:从…