- 《极速前进越南版》(英语:The Amazing Race Vietnam,越语: Cuộc đua kỳ thú)是一个以美国真人秀节目《极速前进》为蓝本的越南版本。已有4季,S1为素人季,S2与S3为明星季(Celebrity Edition),S4为明星VS 素人季(Celebrity vs. TAR Fans Edition)节目内容为多队由两位本身有关系的越南人所组成的参赛队伍,游历越南及周边国…
- Lin is a college student who has a severe hearing impairment, but she has a fantastic talent for reading lip languages. She is famous in the paparazzi industry, and also she served as an "intelligence analyst" for a paparazzi company in her spare time, reading out the information from a large number of videos…