搜索 Yakin

  • 综艺
    三立、華視與日本極東電視台聯手打造最熱血的海上冒險實境綜藝《上船了各位!》,紀  錄7位藝人獨木舟冒險,最終目標將從花蓮外海划到日本石垣島,挑戰人生極限,實際航  行將面對大海狂濤以及海上各種突發狀況。
  • Friday night is almost like a shortened New year's night. One can expect every kind of surprises on that night. Friday night has its special magic.
  • 电影讲述了两个寂寞、迷失的少年的故事。瑞塔,一个来自小镇的女孩独自来到一个陌生而又忙碌的城市。在火车站,她的行李被人偷了,身无分文不知道朋友地址的她被一个无家可归的叫缪特的男孩所救,他同样也是一个被这个冷漠的社会所忽视的人。他们的相遇融化了彼此心中封存已久的冰层。
  • 美丽的莫莉•甘(布兰妮•墨菲 饰)从摇滚明星父亲那里得到了巨额遗产,她总是能吸引人所有人的目光,她有专人设计的衣服,每天都有出席不完的派对,更有众多的追求者。在她22岁生日的那天晚上,朋友为她在最热闹的酒吧举行晚会。但这晚过后,她的遗产管理人骗走了她所有的财产,而曾经的公主必须要面对迫切的生活问题。在好友的帮助下,莫莉找…
  • 电影剧情
    The year is 1942, and Archie Glass Is trying to get into Hollywood. His chance comes as he is offered a job: Find a young white movie star before the press reports that she is missing and he will have a shot at his Hollywood dream. Thus begins a journey into a Los Angeles you have never seen before, the actors who play…
  • When Victor's wife dies and his world falls into a deep slumber, he sets out to wander the empty streets on his own. Struggling to cope with his loss, Victor endures an overwhelming experience that leads him to insanity and murder but through which he ultimately makes peace with himself.
  • In this gruesome shocker, a group of teens are haunted by evil forces that's set to claim their lives. When the malevolent spirit escalates its attack and the classmates begin dying in strange and horrible ways, they band together to try and figure out its grand design. A wave of death has been unleashed and death is c…
  • 赤红五号
    贝克舍夫是一名特工,他能以一己之力制服整个基地的恐怖分子。直到一天,尽管他经验丰富,却因为听错了行动代号,在阿富汗消灭了错误的武装分子头目。结果,阿富汗发生政变,俄罗斯被孤立,世界陷入危机,经济崩溃。贝克舍夫被提前退休。贝克舍夫不知道如何过 "平民 "生活:他患有极端多疑症,并因此陷入了荒唐的故事中。但突然间,他…