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  • A film with Radiohead in it made for New Year's Eve, 2007. Features every song on their new album IN RAINBOWS, the "physical manifestation" out now in stores.Length 52:32Available on youtube.com
  • 20世纪50年代那场战争,不仅让同一个民族分裂成两个对立的国家,也让东西方文化的交流出现隔阂与断层。在此后的岁月里,他们相互攻讦、诋毁,却从未想过在这片多灾多难的半岛上实现真正的繁荣与和平。时间到了2007年,一切似乎发生转机。久久封闭的朝鲜民主主义人民共和国向死对头美国伸出橄榄枝,邀请纽约爱乐乐团来平壤演出。这一举措在美国引…
  • Dido and Aeneas的故事情节取自古罗马诗人维吉尔的长诗,以非洲迦太基传说的爱情故事为背景─迦太基女王狄多(Dido),和特洛伊王子阿尼亚斯(Aeneas)之间产生了一段异国恋情,但是阿尼亚斯身负重任,他必须率领经过希腊人浩劫之后存活下来的特洛伊人,前往意大利重新建立国家,于是阿尼亚斯不得不放下他和狄多女王之间的爱情,继续他的复国计划;…
  • TV movie based on the the story of the kid who divorced his parents. Gregory has lived a rough life. His father abuses him and his two brothers. The boys are placed with the mother. Gregory is placed in a boys ranch after his mother can't take care of him and his two brothers. While at the ranch a lawyer visiting the f…
  • Rachel discovers she is pregnant. Just as she is about to break the news to her stockbroker boyfriend Bill, he dumps her. Heartbroken and angry, Rachel takes Bill's cherished sports car, clears out their joint bank account and heads off to the country and to her dysfunctional family's farmhouse. By trying to sort out h…
  • A group of documentary filmmakers are filming a TV special about the events which occurred at the famous and mysterious abandoned Cain Hill asylum many years earlier, and the unexplained abductions and murders that have occurred at the site since then. The group soon learn that one of the inmates never left Cain Hill a…
  • 电影喜剧
    梅兰妮(米歇尔·菲佛 Michelle Pfeiffer 饰)是一位单身母亲,苦苦在工作和儿子之间寻找着平衡点的生活让她压力很大。杰克(乔治·克鲁尼 George Clooney 饰)是一名专栏记者,女儿的突然到来让这个新手父亲感到不知所措。学校举办的一次郊游将两个大人从水火之中振久了出来,没有了孩子的束缚,梅兰妮终于可以将注意力全部投放到自己一个大客…
  • 改编自H.G.威尔斯的科幻名著《莫洛博士之岛》,描述喜冒险的青年轮机长安德鲁因遭遇海难,漂流至莫洛博士统治的太平洋孤岛上。莫洛博士因其过分前卫的学说遭同侪排斥而避世独居,进行将野兽变成人类的实验。他果然成功地创造了一些具人形和会讲人话的兽人,但却无法消除他们深藏体内的兽性。莫洛本人的科学研究逐渐走火入魔,想将安德鲁变成野兽…
  • 影片改编自著名作家兹威格的同名小说,由美国环球影片公司出品。   1885年,14的丽莎暗恋着住在隔壁的钢琴家斯蒂芬。风流的斯蒂芬常把女人带进他的寓所,而年少的丽莎则对那个神秘世界羡慕不已。即便搬走后她仍对钢琴家难以忘怀。当她出落成了一个美丽的女郎,回来寻找钢琴家,并同他发生了关系。钢琴家很快将丽莎如其他女子般遗忘。丽莎生下…