搜索 Yosawat

  • 真实的地方从不记在地图上。靓女带着弟弟及其损友从曼谷出发,南下探访多年不见的姑母。长居城市令他们对南部穆斯林叛乱实况懵然不知,但一种不寻常的气氛,一直笼罩着不尽和谐的旅途。只有她看见的乱闯路人、邂逅派往“平乱”的士兵……谁也意料不到,到头来大家踏上的,竟是一次回转于回教信仰和西方价值之间的魔幻写实之旅。导演运用独有女性…
  • M (Yossawat Sittiwong), a young man who wish to have a better life, has decided to go to India for pilgrimage at the four main Holy sites of Buddha: Lumbini where he was born; Sarnath where he delivered his first teaching, Bodh Gaya where he Enlightened, and Kusinara where he attained nirvana. But to complete what he w…