搜索 Yousif

  • While exploring an abandoned facility, three friends discover a device that holds information about the future. Now they must learn how to use it while also keeping it from falling into the wrong hands.在探索一处废弃设施时,三人发现了一个掌握未来信息的设备。现在他们必须学会如何使用它以免它落入坏人之手。
  • Sonja lives a lonely life as a fishmonger, more at ease with her fish than her customers, until one day a delivery man turns up who looks like a rainbow trout.
  • 即使在衝突不斷的阿富汗,仍有一群熱愛電影的人正全力搶救他們的電影史。阿富汗電影中心從老舊倉庫翻出八千多小時的蒙塵膠卷,一邊尋求修復資金與保存方法,一邊需要提防隨時隨地發生的自殺炸彈威脅。在外界勢力與塔利班掌權的陰影下,阿富汗的電影藝術與自由一同遭到扼殺。上一代影迷冒著生命危險將膠卷藏起,下一代影迷接手修復曾經的耀眼光影…