- Rakka was born with the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead. This ability tortures him, as they often appear to help settle their grudges or solve their problems. Rakka often helps police uncover murder suspects and where victims are buried. Rakka's ability makes him ostracized at school. Rakka decides …
- 张君宝一直梦到一位老者向他宣讲《道德经》,他终日按照梦中老者的指点研习武功。后来他巧遇上官姐弟俩,并成为朋友。因为一只蛐蛐,上官家被恶霸诬陷,也让张君宝意识到官府黑暗,致使天下斗蛐蛐成风而各业荒废。