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  • 盛夏,布列塔尼的小镇上,一个四十岁的男人在堆建沙堡。在这寂寞的镇上,人们思考死亡和如何活下去……1994年戛纳电影节金摄影机奖1995年恺撒奖最佳处女作、最佳新人男演员提名
  • From IMDB: "My Big Fat Independent Movie" is a spoof along the lines of "Scary Movie" and "Not Another Teen Movie." It includes parodies of some of the indie film world's most renowned movies such as "Mem…
  • 电影生活
    故事梗概:  帕西是一个不幸的女孩,在十二岁那年,母亲结交了一个新男朋友,从此她的噩梦就开始了。在十六岁那年,继父让帕西怀了孕,并在一次酒醉时,杀了刚刚出生的婴儿。忍无可忍的帕西终于爆发内中抑郁已久的愤怒,杀了继父。几年后,帕西因在狱中表现良好而提前出狱,面临着社会是否会接纳她等一系列问题。一个刚出狱的女孩,为了想重新…
  • The inhabitants of the small town of Plymouth have to evacuate their homes. an Old community From Plymouth Oregon lead by Richard Hamilton character he plays named - Mayor Wendell Mackenzies [uncle of the town doctor as well] Replaced to a Lunar colony by a corporate conglomerate that cause an environmental radioactive…