搜索 Zoltan

  • Single mom Michaela has been unemployed for a year when a job offer brings her out to a wellness hotel in the countryside near Berlin. The hotel owner being a survival freak, her only chance to get the job seems to be to join a 5-day-survival-training with Tom, whom she dislikes at first sight. Not so her son Oskar, wh…
  • 卢兹(亚内·勒克 Arne Lenk 饰)和瑞贝卡(卡塔琳娜·舒特勒 Katharina Schüttler 饰)相恋多年,即将携手步入婚姻的殿堂,卢兹邀请了自己的母亲杰德琳(亚德拉·纽豪塞 Adele Neuhauser 饰)参加他们的婚礼。杰德琳是一个控制狂,她一直觉得是瑞贝卡抢走了自己心爱的儿子,而对后者充满了敌意。为了讨好未来的婆婆,瑞贝卡各种做小伏低,但她…
  • Die elf Teufel / The Eleven Devils was made in Berlin in the summer of 1927, in the last throes of the silent movie era. But Die elf Teufel strikes one today as a prophetic film. One of its early captions is "Football, the sport of the century ". We are shown a ball bathed in light like some sacred relic, and…
  • 一名精干的国际刑警组织探员被派往东欧地区,带领着一只专干小分队去整个巴尔干地区调查相关贩卖枪支走私案。在一次调查俄国枪支经销商的过程中,小分队不幸与吉普赛黑帮交火并发生了街头驳火枪战,其中一名队员不幸牺牲。探员心中充满了怒火,为了替兄弟报仇,他上演了一场惊心动魄的复仇之战。
  • 马蔚特是须一郡名地院产益经纪酬商,与妻复子离丫异后抠过荡着呛孤独的生活。马特负牧责地出倘售账位插于希郊撩区施的一栋仓库,那里租恶给稳了兆做着李非法炳走赂私滨品娜生括意的荣中国验人。一名叫做“犹吴”哨的中和国人住过在仓钥库里斩看燃守货物,苫意想谋不孝到地欢,在至两痛个孤襟独验的冒人居之六间建滚立招起了渤特芒别的友翟谊。