- International prize-winning film from Zwartjes' series Home Sweet Home , with Moniek Toebosch and Christian Manders as two somber personages who are engaged in a claustrophobic game of attraction and repulsion. “I film about me,” Zwartjes said once in an interview, “Me and the world, me and its relationships… For all s…
- The push-buttons of a radio, a glass with an effervescent tablet, an alarm clock, men and women in a room.
- Frans Zwartjes现在已年逾八旬。他同时是导演,画家,音乐家和雕刻家。1960-1970年间,Zwartjes拍摄了一系列实验电影使他获得国际性声誉。最知名的是他1980年拍摄的 《Pentimento》。这部作品在荷兰被激进团体视为反女权主义并引发强烈的骚动。
- Description: Zwartjes' masterwork and his most favorite film. "Living has an uneasy, indefinable atmosphere. This strange swaying of the camera and the music that keeps going on and on? Living demonstrates the cinematographic mastery of Zwartjes. He is the main character of the film and handles the camera himself,…