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  • 电影生活
    市场里的一起凶杀案划破了宁静,接二连三的刑事案件背后有着不为人知的关联。警官张振泽(张震 饰)与搭挡小蔡找寻线索时与一名陌生男子莫子凡(莫子仪 饰)相遇。历史的旧账,像是岁月的余烬表面静好的岁月,背后有多少遗忘与秘密?
  • 电视剧
    1981年5月23日, 一起抢劫案让西班牙惶恐不安了37个小时。到底发生了什么?该剧灵感来源于真实事件。
  • Haftpflicht,theBand
  • 电视剧
    伦敦市中心发生的致命爆炸摧毁了美国大使凯特·怀勒(凯丽·拉塞尔饰)的世界。凯特努力重建破碎的生活和四分五裂的团队,而她最担心的事情也随之而来:这场导致她被派往英国的袭击并非来自敌对国家,而是来自英国政府内部。在追查真相的过程中,她唯一真正的盟友是她的准前夫哈尔·怀勒(卢夫斯·塞维尔饰)— 他不仅活得好好的,还参与了很多…
  • Tunggang langgang
    The powerful interventions of the Indonesian artist, cultural studies scholar and filmmaker Timoteus Anggawan Kusno are internationally renowned. What distinguishes them are the empowering attitude and the breathtaking aesthetics he employs to re-interpret in different media the cultural traditions passed on in his hom…
  • Aferrado
    At some point years ago, Joel’s life took a wrong turn. He let himself be drawn in by the energy of unscrupulous gangsters to run criminal errands for a pittance. He has known his way around envelops and guns ever since. But now the day ha…
  • 电视剧剧情
  • 오후 풍경
    Images out of their intended context create new context, and also provide us the perception to be able to see which were there but not seen in its own context. This work is a process of research on the world which is familiar, but at the same time full of mysteries. This film is based on the abandoned images with varia…
  • 电视剧
  • 电视剧音乐