- Alan Partridge appears on Open Books with Martin Bryce to promote his new autobiography.
- A three-part series looking at the early years of the film industry and motion pictures in Australia.The Pictures That Moved 1896-1920 - 45 Minutes (1967)A novel moving picture of Australia early in the 20th century. The film starts with the 1896 Melbourne Cup race, the 1900 multimedia event Soldiers of the Cross and t…
- JANLEVA 555 is a breathtaking musical romance thriller set in the heartlands of rural India where a group of young filmmakers end up in the jungles just to discover a shocking truth from the remote past which connects them to the present and may prove to be a deadly danger if it is not solved. The story is intertwined …
- 关注《刺客信条4:黑旗》的玩家,一定对游戏中的几大反派有所了解,其中最惹人注意的莫过于黑胡子了,游戏的主角爱德华·肯威同样是一个令人闻风丧胆的海盗人物,近日,就有国外团队制作了一段名为“恶魔之矛”的《刺客信条4》真人短片,向我们讲述了一些关于他们劫掠海上的故事。
- 「領隊」謝茜嘉繼《內蒙的紅月亮》後,再次帶領觀眾出外遊看世界,展開另一豐富愉快的旅程!謝茜嘉上回跟C Allstar其中三子同行,闖蕩內蒙古感受草原民族的生活,感受融入大自然的樂趣,今次帶同「靚仔歌手」洪卓立踏足世界上歷史最悠久的文明古國之一、充滿宗教色彩的印度,觀賞極富特色的古蹟與風光,以及享受印度鮮為人知奢華的一面。 …