搜索 federico

  • After being left for dead, the man is rescued by two Japanese soldiers, living on a remote island, who teach him the ways of the samurai. Upon returning to the USA, he quickly exacts a bloody revenge on his tormentors and reunite with his wife and son.
  • 卡罗拦截电话后,一名警员,在党的上层阶级在王鸣Clerici公寓的私人进行药物胸围,她被逮捕。朱利奥,王鸣6岁的儿子,正如警察和党客人离开,出来了他的房间,并要求卡罗他的母亲是在哪里。看到卡罗是负责逮捕他的母亲的人,与他一起Giulio的标签,直到他的母亲被释放。卡罗千方百计社会服务或有人看后孩子,但法院告诉记者,他是最佳人选,为他…
  • The film depicts the rise to power of Alcide de Gasperi and the Christian Democratic Party in post war Italy and ends with de Gasperi's retirement in 1954.It is both a personal film (Rossellini makes no secret of his admiration for de Gasperi) whilst at the same time it does not lose sight of the historical context (de…
  • It is the story of seduction and love between two people in the village in the province of Mendoza: Aniceto (Luppi) and Francisca (Elsa Daniel), a girl "decent" and sweet, "the saint" of Aniceto. But Aniceto also seduces Lucia (Maria Vaner), passionate, sexual, "the whore" of Aniceto. The …
  • A lonely old man pays a visit to Yoruga, one of the last animals on Earth.
  • 即便電影作品如何驚世駭俗、狂野暴戾,義大利經典大師巴索里尼也曾有過如詩的年少時光。一九四○年代,年方二十有餘的巴索里尼隨母親居住於北義小城斐烏里,他沈浸於鄉村生活的方言習俗與物質文化,也情竇初開地與當地莊稼青年共譜愛情序曲,並因而認識到同性戀情與肉體慾望的甘甜苦澀。草根生活啟發了巴索里尼的左翼政治觀點,使他與義大利共產…
  • 《睡美人》被称为“古典芭蕾百科全书”,由俄罗斯音乐巨匠柴可夫斯基与“古典芭蕾之父”彼季帕联手创作。作品改编自格林兄弟版本的童话《睡美人》,讲述了一个光明战胜黑暗、善良战胜邪恶、真爱战胜死亡的浪漫爱情故事。英国皇家芭蕾舞团最新制作的《睡美人》最早由马里乌斯·彼季帕编排,随后由20世纪舞团泰斗弗雷德里克·阿什顿、安东尼·道威…