- 本片改编自同名漫画,讲述了女高中生糸渴望与心爱的母亲和新爸爸过上平静的生活,等待她的是四个超级帅气但又奇特的弟弟。从未听说过这样的新生活!但是,当她的父亲被调职到另一个城市后,五姐弟突然开始了共同生活......
- Traversing diverse woodlands worldwide, from tropics to poles. Exploring wild inhabitants of these enchanting ecosystems and how forests sustain myriad species.
- Feimster humorously recounts her marital experiences, personal growth, and the comedic aspects of daily life, offering a relatable and entertaining perspective.
- Jack Whitehall races against time to get from the US to the UK for Christmas. His frantic four-day journey involves various modes of transport and encounters with celebrity friends as he battles holiday chaos to reach home.