- For the first time in six years, Barbara Morgenstern, pioneer of German-style electronic intimate pop, works on a new album. Her laptop sits on a shoebox, in the privacy of her home she finds first lines and harmonies: “I like to be alone,” one song begins. One by one, musicians join her. Intuitive ideas take shape. A …
- In September of 2001, Chloe, a college senior at a school in lower Manhattan, tests positive for HIV. Over the weeks that follow, she struggles to deal with her diagnosis, past trauma, and an uncertain future. As her estranged stepfather Doug attempts to reconnect and classmate Trevor shyly tries to gain her affection,…
- 音楽会のソロパートに選ばれたチノ。特訓をお願いされたリゼは、人前で歌うことに慣れさせようとカラオケ大会を開催しますが、チノの練習というよりは、みんなで盛り上がってしまいます。緊張したチノは当日ちゃんと歌えるのでしょうか──!
- Islamic inheritance laws and oppressive gender dynamics are at the core of this heartfelt, funny and tightly scripted story of two sisters scrambling to get what is rightfully theirs. Noura and Mariam must put aside their differences and find a solution to ensure they receive the money their recently deceased father le…
- 在世界顶尖侦探学校·青蓝被誉为天才的鸭乃桥论,因患上某个致命“缺陷”,被剥夺了成为侦探的资格。在度过一段怀才不遇的岁月后,与警视厅搜查一课的一色都都丸——外号“都都”的相遇,极大改变了他的命运。论负责解谜,都都负责侦查,他们接连侦破疑难案件,逐渐成为了名搭档。青蓝内部也有论的理解者在两眼发光地关注着他的动向。其中一人就…