- The Hunt for Planet B follows a diverse group of scientists on a quest to find another Earth among the stars. From the hi-bays of NASA to the edge of the universe and the bottom of the sea, the film offers a way to see our own planet with new eyes
- A man covering up a crime assumes a nosy neighbor may have seen what he did. He turns the neighbor's lives upside down to keep his secret. But is there more to his motive?
- Burdened by a quarter life crisis and middle class ennui, Wlliam's only relief is found in extended binges of The Smiths with his only friend, playwright Nick. When William soon finds love in the mysterious Salome, his relationship with Rick is tested and William is faced with a life-changing request.
- 《在地下城寻求邂逅是否搞错了什么》第三季 新作OVA 制作决定!片名为《在欧拉丽寻求温泉是否搞错了什么~温泉之神FOREVER~》,该OVA将于2021年4月28日发售。
- Maggie Simpson goes to a Star Wars themed day care. She goes on a quest to get her pacifier back whilst fighting against her nemesis, Gerald.