- The historic Farewell Concert at Albert Hall in London by one of rock's greatest groups has been dynamically recorded in this film by Robert Stigwood. The group, composed of Eric Clapton on lead guitar, Jack Bruce on bass and lead vocals, and Ginger Baker on drums, give an electrifying performance that is as exciting t…
- In 2006 the UK Minster of Defence announced the deployment of British Troops to Helmand Province, Afghanistan, saying: 'We would be happy to leave Afghanistan without firing a single shot'. 'The Patrol' features a British Army Operational Mentor and Liaison Team supporting this NATO led operation. As the scale of the T…
- Neurons to Nirvana is a 2013 documentary film by Canadian filmmaker Oliver Hockenhull. The film examines the evidence for the therapeutic benefits of psychedelic drugs. The production company crowdfunded marketing and distribution through a successful Kickstarter campaign that raised more than $35,000.Two versions of t…
- In this modern adaptation of the Don Quixote theme based on a novel by Graham Greene, Quixote is an old Spanish village priest who travels through Spain with his friend, Sancho, the village's mayor and his car called Rocinante. On their way he has to master the same adventures as his ancestor.
- 从宇宙诞生开始,这两股力量对抗便相互对抗,加之以无情的打击。我们无从知晓这场决斗的起因,只知道它异常凶猛。这是泰坦们之间的交锋,自古而今的战役跨越了时间,没有所谓的善良和邪恶,这就是肥猫大战蟑螂!