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  • 电影剧情
    1940年的英国战争不断,每天都有敌军的空袭轰炸,但比满目疮痍的伦敦更残破的是人民绝望的心,面对未知的生命无常,电影成了唯一的心灵慰藉。资讯局电影部想要提升国家士气和民心,开始拍摄政治宣传电影,为了增加电影中的女性观点,原本从事广告文案的凯瑟琳(杰玛·阿特登 饰)被邀请加入编剧小组,和主编巴克利(山姆·克拉弗林 饰)一起编写…
  • http://www.oddsac.com/Opening with torch-wielding villagers and a wall bleeding oil, ODDSAC attaches vivid scenery and strange characters to the wonderful melodic wavelengths of the band Animal Collective, revitalizing the lost form of the “visual album.” Working on the project for three years with friend Danny Perez, …
  • "It’s a black-and-white record of European cities in the dark (2-5am), from Basle to Belfast. Quiet, and meditative, what emerges most strongly is an eerie sense of city landscapes as deserted film sets, in which the desolate architec…
  • 电影生活
    纱织(尻泽英龙华 饰)曾是一名在舞台上挥洒着光芒和希望的偶像,但昔日的荣光早已经褪去,如今的她在一家超市里作着收银员的工作,毫无干劲和对未来生活的希望,整个人如同沉入了泥潭中一般毫无生气。纱织唯一能够展露内心的对象,是家中养的一只俄罗斯短毛猫良男,每一天夜深人静之时,纱织都会和良男聊天。随着时间的推移,良男渐渐开始产生…
  • TheEncounterofTheirs
    In 2022, Jean-Marie Straub passed away, reuniting with her creative partner and lover, Danièle Huillet, who had died in 2006. Inspired by their films, I embarked on a climb up a hill near my neighborhood. Though it's a trail I walk daily, …
  • 他们之后的孩子
    Adaptation du roman éponyme de Nicolas Mathieu paru aux éditions Actes Sud, Prix Goncourt 2018.
  • 动漫生活
    如果,樱花掉落的速度是每秒5厘米,那么两颗心需要多久才能靠近? 少年时,贵树(水桥研二 配音)和明理(近藤好美 配音)是形影不离的好朋友,可很快,一道巨大的鸿沟便横亘在两人中间:明理转学,贵树也随着父母工作的调动搬到遥远的鹿儿岛。在搬家前,贵树乘坐新干线千里迢迢和明理相会,在漫 长的等待后,茫茫大雪中,两人在枯萎的樱花树下…
  • 电影
    The Irish Mob tells the story of crime boss Val Fagan and the dark world of gangland Dublin, he leads a violent bloody and ruthless gang who are the main target of Garda detectives after an audacious cash depot robbery.