搜索 Šanda

  • A young teacher gets her first job experiences in a remote mountain village, which has no school building. Life of peasants, conflict between two alienated clans, conflict between the authorities and peasants because of the state forest cutting needed for building of new school and presence of young teacher who seeks t…
  • The story of an outsider who spent seven years in prison for robbery. Eternal rebel, unsatisfied with the system and people around him, he wants to establish the way of his own justice. As a member of Belgrade mafia, after another unsuccessful robbery, he gets in prison again because of treason. Managing to escape, he …
  • 这是一个关于皮雅爱上了那个让她的梦想破灭的人的故事。皮雅爱上了舍可哈尔,从来没有意识到这会在她和舍可哈尔建立起一种很兴奋,很正式的关系,而舍可哈尔又一向坚信彼此信任,彼此独立才会彼此相爱。皮雅爱上舍可哈尔,也没有意识到舍可哈尔会有过去。这个过去要是说出来就会是种罪过。它是一次犯罪,一次能够挽救生命的罪行。这时,阿波海出…
  • 一个刚从监狱里放出来的年轻人,回到贝尔格莱德又开始偷车生涯,其间勾搭上好几个女人,然后这家伙就在市内狂做坏事,吸毒,打架,拉帮结伙,抢劫商店,后来又被秘密警察给抓了,受尽了折磨和拷打,在押去监狱的路上同党来救他,几个人把警察杀了,然后去黑市上弄了一批重武器打算血洗警察局,最后却演变成一场疯狂到HIGH点的朋克青年大暴动!
  • 当上人民军军官的铁希和普尔莱以及胖邮差约察一起回贝尔格莱德收拾南奸的故事,那时铁希的弟弟契比已成为贝市的游击队长了。
  • 电影动作
    SUPERCOOL马其顿动作幻想片!  sometimes i think it's a shame that movies like this one don't get the exposure that they deserve - that very few people will get to enjoy them... but sometimes, i think that the lack of exposure is what makes movi…
  • 贝姆伯格是阿根廷最著名的女导演之一, 说来也怪, 1922年出生的她比一些阿根廷电影先驱者的年纪都大, 可是却从1981年她近60岁时才开始导演影片, 可谓是大器晚成的一位导演了, 这部影片是她的倒数第二部作品同时也是她的代表作, 95年她死于癌症, 空留下仅有的6部电影. 1990年威尼斯国际电影节荣誉奖, 90年奥斯卡阿根廷官方参赛影片.
  • 电影
    尽管安娜贝尔(布蕾克·莱弗利 Blake Lively 饰)满心的不愿意,但她还是在母亲的强势逼迫之下去参加了德克萨斯州小姐的竞选,然而,一场突如其来的意外夺取了她年轻的生命,就这样,安娜贝尔以一具尸体的形式同埃尔维斯(麦克思·明格拉 Max Minghella 饰)相遇了。埃尔维斯想要做一名遗体美容师,可是,家中没有一个人理解他的这个奇怪理想,…
  • "Karadjordje" is a biography of a famed leader of a rebellion against the Turkish empire in 1804. We can see his whole life since childhood until his death in 1817 and all historic events he took part in.