- The Young Turks, one of the most popular online news shows in the world, has amassed a YouTube network consisting of millions of subscribers and billions of views. But that wasn't always the case. MAD AS HELL documents the tumultuous, at times hilarious and altogether astonishing trajectory of Cenk Uygur, The Young Tur…
- The West takes a critical stance towards Russia. Vladimir Putin's image of the West is a reflection of this. Being the most well-known Russian politician, he is at the same time also a favoured target of Western criticism. He has been a central figure after the fall of the Soviet Union, however, his publicity enables u…
- 弗拉基米尔·普京,任俄罗斯总统八年、总理四年,对待权利顽固而爱不释手。他已宣布重返总统之位的意向,并声明在他的党派里议会选举中的赢家被广泛认为是带有欺诈性的。普京就任后,莫斯科十万抗议者走上街头进行了最大规模的游行。普京职业之初是一名克格勃间谍,但当选总统后,他让自己变成西方国家一个有价值的盟友。他是怎么做到的?是什么…
- 阿富汗一直是个新闻热词,最近随着奥巴马的撤军计划和卡尔扎伊胞弟等阿富汗官员遇刺,阿富汗再次成为各大新闻社的高频词。但是关于阿富汗,我们的记忆似乎只限于战争和反恐,这次就让英广最新纪录片《阿富汗》带你深入了解这个神秘国度。。