- The boys went to Bolivia for a 1000-mile epic journey from the Amazon Rainforest to the Pacific Ocean. For this journey, they have to buy cars that are 4WD (in which the producers recommend) and must be found in the Bolivian second-hand classifieds.
- Marie, 19, is attracted by easy money. Without really realizing it, she becomes involved in prostitution. She decides not to tell her friend, Vincent, a young, nonchalant, 21-year-old skater who owes everyone money and just can’t seem to grow up. The maelstrom of life seizes Marie and Vincent, caught up in a society wh…
- 深受国际影坛瞩目的葡萄牙导演米格尔戈麦斯,继享誉国际的《金色八月天》、《禁恋》后,以长达383分钟的新作《一千零一夜》三部曲,呈现当代葡萄牙的众生相。首部曲《一千零一夜I:不安之人》以天方夜谭中诉说故事的皇后雪哈拉莎德展开,藉由三段故事描绘富人、穷人、强者、鲁蛇、小偷和诚实的人,如何在金融风暴下存活下来。米格尔戈麦斯结合现…