搜索 亚特

  • 电影生活
    炎夏欲念騷動,迷幻光色錯落,一女二男隨音樂縱情起舞,一個激情的吻,打破三人平衡。畫面一轉,時間一天天倒退,退回他們為蝴蝶蓋起一座花園溫室,退回在慵懶日常裡蔓生的親密與曖昧;更冷不防退到戲外,才發覺原來一切都是隔離拍片的場景,外頭是正遭疫情肆虐的現實世界。  誰說拍攝疫情只能坐困愁城,葡萄牙作者導演米格爾戈麥斯與妻子莫琳…
  • Dogmatic criticism has condemned brilliant and gifted pictures of the most diverse genre. Let us recall the debate over the unusual adaptation of "Navoi" at the end of the 1930's and the critical articles in the press directed toward the creators of the interesting films about modern times and about the dista…
  • How are biographies charted? How is identity constructed? Can we relive our past, reinvent it, rearrange or recycle it? Can we really know who we are if we ignore where do we come from?
  • 据外媒报道,迪士尼正在开发真人版《亚特兰蒂斯:失落的帝国》,而汤姆·赫兰德有望出演该片,饰演绘图师迈罗·詹姆斯·塔奇。
  • History, Technology Documentary narrated by Adam Hart-Davis and published by BBC in 2003 - English narrationDesigner LivyngeIn this programme Adam examines the introduction of various inventions essential to our modern quality of life, such as coffee, fabric dieing, exercise machines, as well as the construction of St.…
  • The famous Brazilian producer Cecílio B. De Milho (Renato Restier) wants to produce an epic about Helen of Troy. He hires the great professor of Greek history Xenofontes (Oscarito) to write the screenplay, but his family and crew wants to …
  • 故事发生在伦敦一家乡村医院,一位邮递员在手术的过程中离奇死亡,参加这次手术有医生和护士,这位邮递员的死因是什么?凶手就藏在那几位医护人员之中,到底是谁呢?他的做案动机是什么呢?最后的谜团由一位来自精明的警方调查员为你一一解开……
  • 生物学教授詹尼西尔(Pierre Brasseur 饰)因一次车祸使心爱的女儿克莉丝汀(Edith Scob 饰)面容尽毁,女儿伤愈后只能终日戴着瘆人的白色面具,痛苦非常。爱女心切且心怀内疚的詹尼西尔与助手路易丝(Alida Valli 阿莉达•瓦莉 饰)伪装克莉丝汀失踪、死亡的假象,暗中诱拐与女儿年龄相仿的女性,将其麻醉后剥掉面皮,移植到克莉丝汀脸上。但手…
  • Danny Haley's bookie operation is shut down, so he and his pals need money; when Danny meets Arthur Winant, a sucker from out of town, he decoys him into a series of poker games where eventually Winant loses $5000 that isn't his...then hangs himself. But it seems Winant had a shadowy, protective elder brother who belie…
  • 一个锡兰农庄主的妻子不堪丈夫的木讷而移情别恋,在经受了霍乱、季风和象群的侵扰后认识到丈夫才是自己最爱的人。但奥利弗怂恿费雯·丽接受邀请,尽管他自己没有接受担任男主角的邀请。此时奥利弗自组的戏剧演出公司濒临破产的边缘,费雯接拍电影所获得的高额片酬无疑大有用处。费雯·丽就此踏上了远赴锡兰热带丛林的旅程,而她的人生悲剧也就此…