搜索 拉夫·迪亚兹

  • 20世纪70年代末期,一支由军队控制的民兵团体控制了菲律宾丛林中的一个遥远村庄。士兵们身着制服,手握机关枪,在村子里散布肉体和精神上的恐惧。他们使得村中邻里之间反目为敌,并试图根除村民们对传说和神灵的信仰。勇敢的年轻医生洛雷娜为贫苦人家开设了诊所,却随后消失不见。她的丈夫雨果·海尼威是一名诗人、社会运动家和老师,打算去寻找…
  • Marta settles into his new apartment with his partner. But that night is bound to be alone. The building is newly built and have barely begun to change the first neighbors. All is silent, empty - until someone knocks the door violently.
  • 亚洲电影资料馆庆祝10周年。八人八色组成的电影。
  • The Philippines is visited by an average of twenty to twenty eight strong typhoons and storms every year. It is the most storm-battered country in the world. Last year, Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan), considered the strongest storm in history, struck the Philippines, leaving in its path apocalyptic devastation.
  • 1972年在菲律宾的一个偏远乡村发生了许多神秘事件。森林里传来哭泣声、母牛被砍死、在田间发现流血死去的男人、许多房屋被烧毁。军事行动越来越普遍,残忍的民兵统治着乡村。费迪南德·E·马科斯宣布1081号公告命令,实行全国戒严。
  • https://www.douban.com/photos/photo/1209213157/
  • 电影分为三个短片。《迭迭山中》:美淑和珍英是曾经无话不谈的好友,但随着时间的推移渐渐失去了联络。一晃眼很多年过去,美淑决定再次拾起和珍英之间的联系,才发现,此时珍英正在和自己的前男友交往,一时之间,美淑内心里五味杂陈。《COMA》:男主人公的爷爷去世了,为了完成爷爷的遗愿,男子来到了一个神秘的小小村落之中,在这里,他遇见了…
  • "WHAT HAPPENED AFTER 1986?"20 YEARS. 20 FILMS. 20 FILMMAKERS. 1 NATION.IMAHE NASYON... a groundbreaking, conceptual omnibus film by 20 alternative filmmakers who were tasked to present their personal visions on national issues. It is underlined by a conceptual question asked by line producers Jon Red & Carol …
  • The start of the film sets the tone. A tortured man looks as if he will castrate himself. Later he staggers aimlessly and bleeding heavily through the streets of a town that is just waking up. In parallel, the film shows the marital discussions of a couple, with the husband hiding behind the camera.
  • An engkanto, or encanto, is an often-malign spirit dwelling in the Filipino countryside, although in Death in the Land of Encantos, some of them have migrated to eastern Europe as exiles. Their human counterpart is the film’s protagonist, Benjamin (“Hamin”) Agusan, a poet who returns from years in Russia to search for …