- 北京男生陈凯为陪同表妹洋洋完成去世姑妈的遗愿——将骨灰撒往垦丁的大海并找到洋洋的父亲,而前往台湾。不料刚到台湾,陈凯就喝酒误事弄丢了洋洋。无奈之下,陈凯只能求助前女友咪咪(蔡颐榛 饰)寻找妹妹。在咪咪的帮助下,两人踏上寻找洋洋的路,却因咪咪老板彪哥(沈玉琳 饰)的搅局而陷入困境,与此同时两人更意外发现洋洋的身世并不是想象…
- A beautiful young dancer, Rosa (Ana De Armas) comes home from an audition (which comprises the background for the opening credits), feeling quietly confident about getting a break. Just as she arrives, her very sketchy cellphone rings, to tell her she has a call-back the next day. Excited, she visits the nearby laundro…