- 归来了,那曾经远射天狼星,学徐霞客游历八方,目光矍铄的焚鹤人。他说,西子湾是他最後的归宿。《逍遥游》跟随余光中夫妇的游屐,牵引出诗人的乡愁、文学启蒙、写作风格与文坛交游,更可见其走过中西思潮交会澎湃的岁月,找寻属於自己的声音。在那些铿锵的思维与文句垒叠起来的生命史中,余光中最後把身心都托付给岛屿南方的海湾,和夫人一起,…
- A message from the Doctor interrupts Karen Gillan, who is trying to introduce 'Amy's Theme'. The Doctor asks the audience to yell "Hello, Doctor" so he can lock onto their signal. He gets a clear picture, but upside down. The Doctor tells everyone to hang on, makes fun of people wearing wigs and urges ladies …
- 2009年BBC逍遥音乐节终场之夜闭幕盛典在9月12日晚上7点30分举行。由BBC交响乐团首席客座指挥——美国人大卫•罗伯森执棒,他在圣路易斯交响乐团的出色工作,令该团跻身美国一流乐团行列。当今炙手可热的小号美女巴尔松演奏海顿的名作《小号协奏曲》,马勒早期声乐作品《浪游者之歌》则由英国次女高音莎拉•柯诺丽演绎。2009年还是英国作曲家坎特…
- A savings-and-loan bank is robbed; later, a police wiretap identifies teller Leon Poole as inside man. In capturing him, detective Sam Wagner accidentally kills Poole's young wife, and at his trial Poole swears vengeance against Wagner. About three years later, Poole (until then a model prisoner) abruptly takes his cha…